Find all the latest updates on product requests, fixes, additions, changes for Generous Charity (
We've launched fixes into our platform. Here is the latest list for the period July 2021. Fixes Gift History date search does not match search results An issue was identified when searching for donati...
We've launched fixes into our platform. Here is the latest list for the period of June 2021. Fixes Issues with multi-giving amount recording different amounts than Generous (GEN-889) An issue was iden...
We've launched many enhancements and fixes into our platform. Here is the latest list for the period May 2021. Enhancements Improvements to the Manage Giving Form Template screen (GEN-853) The Manage ...
We've launched many enhancements and fixes into our platform. Here is the latest list for the period April 2021. New Features Organisation Invoices We have now improved our monthly billing process to ...
We've launched many enhancements and fixes into our platform. Here is the latest list for the period March 2021. Enhancements eTapestry Integration Knowledge Base Entry (GEN-813.6) We have updated the...
We've launched many new features, enhancements and fixes into our platform. Here is the latest list for the period of December 2020 to February 2021. New Features Text to Give (GEN-755) You can now en...
July 2020: We've recently deployed the following Generous Charity improvements. GEN-724 - Enhancements to Cost Entry feature - New Tags and Date fields added As an organization user, you can now ...
We've recently deployed the following Generous Charity improvements: Generous Charity Changes GEN-691 - Add progress indicator to donor creation form We have added a progress spinner which appears af...
November 2020: We've recently deployed the following Generous Charity improvements: GEN-729 - Improved Donor Bank Statement Descriptions and increased character limit for Organisation short names We'...
Version 1.6 -- April 30, 2020 FIXED - GEN-665 - Copy campaign is not working Previously, when copying a campaign, some data wasn't copied from the previous campaign. We updated the code to ensure all...