Set-up your campaign widget to get the best results
In order to add custom HTML codes such as the Generous widget into Wordpress Cornerstone you can use the Raw Content Element. To add the Generous widget to Wordpress Cornerstone: 1. Go to your Wordp...
Wix is significantly locked down, and the standard Generous code is not compatible without a workaround. The only way to get it to work is to insert an HTML iframe element, with the actual widget URL:...
People often ask us how they can easily find the colours needed to colourise the Campaign widget within Generous. MAC USERS In the Digital Colour Meter app on your Mac, do any of the following: Find...
Ok, so you have just signed-up for Generous, added and verified your bank account(s) and have created a Campaign for donors to give towards. Well done! Now, you are ready to view your campaign donor w...
If you are using WordPress, you can integrate your Generous campaign widget into your website, and start receiving donations online. Pre-requisites: A live-status campaign in Generous configured and r...